
100 Fingerprint Portable Gun Safe Biobox Cable Biometrics Pistol Reviews

  • Heavy duty and light weight: three.46lb
  • Handy fingerprint access
  • Retailer up to 100 fingerprints
  • The crucial is for emergency use only to unlock the case in the event of fingerprint failure
  • Biometric overall performance

-Item Description:

You happen to be viewing a Transportable bioBox Biometric Fingerprint Secure!. It is sleek compact style building with Cold Rolled Sheet, and convenient fingerprint access manage that shops up to 100 fingerprints. This bioBox Protected is highly secured and straightforward to operate. It is a really sophisticated and highly engineered piece of electronic gear. The Safe can be accessed to either by valid fingerprint or via the keys offered. The sensor is adopted DigitalPersona® U.are.U Fingerprint

List Value: $ 104.95


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