Radio Scanners

RadioShack Pro-163 Desk Top Triple Trunking Scanner

  • triple trunking radio scanner
  • police,fire, motorola,ge/ericson, ltr trunked scanner
  • will pick-up frequency, from uhf-vhf-and mhz
  • Triple trunking, mobile/base design and style, Skywarn, NOAA WX alert, Signal Stalker II

Remain on best of stuff.
Several cities and towns have switched their emergency systems to trunking systems that automatically jump from one particular frequency to yet another with every transmission. The Pro-163 is designed to maintain up with that so you’ll get the complete conversation. You’ll acquire NOAA weather transmissions in your region. Emergency transmissions nearby are grabbed by Signal StalkerTM, which automatically picks up transmissions up to 1000-ft. away from your scanner. Follow police, fire, marine bands

List Price tag: $ 199.99
