Barking-Dog Alarms

Portable, Safety Technology ED-55 Rex Plus II Electronic Watchdog Alarm Consumer Electronic Gadget Shop

  • Alarm sounds like a vicious barking dog
  • Provides an excellent way to deter burglars
  • The closer the intruder gets the more frequent the barking becomes
  • Detection range is adjustable up to 26 feet
  • Power by plugging into a standard electrical outlet or with 6 C batteries

STI Rex Plus II Electronic Watchdog Alarm. Rex II, the electronic watchdog alarm never needs sleep, a walk, food or water, yet is always on duty guarding and protecting. When Rex II detects movement, he starts to emit the user selected sound (i.e. barking dog). The closer the intruder gets, the more frequent the barking becomes. As the intruder backs off, the barking decreases in frequency, stopping completely when movement is out of range. In addition to the choice of a ferocious dog or dogs, R

List Price: $ 202.00
