Radio Scanners

GRE PSR500 Digital APCO-25 Triple-Trunking Handheld Scanner

  • Intuitive “Object Oriented” User Interface: Designed for ease of use, yet strong sufficient for experts. Widespread data entry, browsing and handle approaches are utilized for non-trunked standard channels, trunking talkgroups, and Spectrum Sweeper setups.
  • Strong and Versatile Scan List Functionality: Enables you to arrange, group and scan objects according to your preference, with no limit to the quantity or varieties of objects in a Scan List, no limit to the quantity of Scan Lists an object can be a member of.
  • Menu Driven Programming with Context Sensitive Help – Each and every menu item supplies a few lines of aid text that offer help with programming and employing the scanner.
  • Upgradeable CPU and DSP Firmware – You can easily maintain your radio current with software program enhancements as they grow to be offered with free upgrades from our site!
  • Remote Handle Capability – Can be used with third party application application to remotely handle the scanner from a private computer.

Handheld Scanner Object Oriented User Interface-40,744 Objects Wide Band Reception Multi-Technique Analog Digital Trunking-Including Motorola, Edacs Normal, Edacs Narrow, Ltr & Apco Project 25 Expanded V-Scanner Capacity Stores A number of Setups In 21 V-Scanner Folders Exclusive Multicolor Alert Led Sub-Audible Squelch Decoder Higher-Contrast Lcd Show Very same Climate Alert User Upgradeable Cpu & Dsp Firmware

List Value: $ 449.99

Price tag:

Radio Scanners

Uniden BC72XLT Handheld Scanner (Black)

  • Handheld scanner for monitoring police and fire signals, climate transmissions, ham radio bands, and a lot more
  • Complete memory with 100 channels more than 10 banks Close Contact RF technology identifies nearby signals
  • Simply locate particular calls with 6 preprogrammed service searches, like public security, railroad, and marine
  • Compact design fits comfortably in hand easy-to-study backlit display, lockable keypad for saving settings
  • Runs on two AA alkaline or rechargeable batteries (these can be be recharged although in the scanner)

Uniden BC72XLT Handheld Scanner (Black) Versatile, compact, and effortless to use, the Uniden BC72XLT handheld scanner offers a easy way to monitor the “action” bands, which includes police and fire channels (such as rescue and paramedics), NOAA weather transmissions, organization and industrial radio broadcasts, utilities, marine and amateur (ham radio) bands, air bands, and more. In short, the scanner keeps interested parties in the information loop. A versatile, compact, and easy to use handhe

List Cost: $ 79.99


Radio Scanners

Uniden Handheld TrunkTracker IV Digital Police Scanner (BCD396XT)

  • Handheld scanner for monitoring police and fire signals, weather transmissions, ham radio bands, and far more
  • Store 25,000 total conventional channels, trunked channels, and trunked method frequencies for swift recall
  • TrunkTracker IV Digital Scanning lets you monitor APCO 25, Motorola, EDACS, and LTR systems in addition to traditional channels
  • GPS Compatible so that the scanner can automatically choose and scan nearby agencies
  • Close Get in touch with RF Capture detects and tunes to nearby transmissions with no programming necessary

UNIDEN TRUNK TRACKER IV SCANNE- Uniden compactAPCO 25 handheld scanner- TrunkTracker IV (Motorola APCO 25 Digital, Motorola, EDACS, LTR)- 25000 Dynamically allocated channels- Close CallRF capture technologies – immediately tunes to signalsfrom nearby transmitters- Fire tone-out- Multi-colored display backlight- Alpha tagging- one hundred Quick essential program access- Band scope – graphically finds radio activity- Continuous bandcoverage* – 25MHz to 1.3GHz excluding UHF Television and cellular- Compact size- Audio AGC-

List Price: $ 599.00


Radio Scanners

RadioShack® PRO-107 Handheld iScan Trunking Scanner

  • Pro 107 Handheld Scaner

Radio Shack Pro 107 Handheld iScan Trumking Scanner

Frequency Coverage

25-50MHz VHF-Lo50-54MHz six-meter Ham 108-136.99166MHz(Feb3,05) Aircraft137-144MHz VHF Government 144-148MHz 2-meter Ham148-174MHz VHF-Hi 216.0025-221.9975, 222-225MHz VHF 225.025-405.975MH Military Aircraft 406-512MHz, 806-960MHz (excluding cellular bands) UHF 1240-1300MHz Ham

List Cost: $ 250.00


Much more Radio Scanners Merchandise

Radio Scanners

Uniden Handheld Scanner – Black (BC75XLT)

  • Simply find certain calls with 6 preprogrammed service searches, which includes public security, railroad, and marine
  • Compact style fits comfortably in hand effortless-to-study backlit display, lockable keypad for saving settings
  • Comprehensive memory with 300 channels Close Call with Do-Not-Disturb
  • Runs on 2 AA alkaline or rechargeable batteries (these can be be recharged although in the scanner)

You can use the BC75XLT to monitor police and fire departments (like rescue and paramedics), NOAA climate transmissions, organization/industrial radio, utilities, marine and amateur (ham radio) bands, and air band transmissions. Of course, scanning the 32,000 obtainable frequencies can be time-consuming and frustrating, which is why Uniden added such functions as Close Get in touch with capture technology, which quickly tunes to signals from nearby transmitters to support you detect and recognize local signals

List Price tag: $ 99.99
